A trophy presented to Pelé composed of a bronze winged allegory holding aloft a flaming brazier, mounted on a black marble column affixed with a silver tone medallion which reads "Honra ao Mérito" [Merit of Honor] and a silver tone plaque engraved "Pelé - Pelos teus mil gols - Pelas tuas lágrimas - Pelo teu suor - Pelo teu amor ao esporte - Pela tua festa maravilhosa, que é a alegria de todos nós - O Cruzeiro te abraça BHte - 23. 11.69" [Pelé - For your thousand goals - For your tears - For your sweat - For your love of the sport - For your marvelous festival, that is a joy for us all - Cruzeiro embraces you - Belo Horizante, November 23, 1969]. Pelé's Santos FC team played a Torneio Roberto Gomes Pedrosa match versus Club Atlético de Mineiro on this date. Santos lost the match by a score of 0-2. 20 3/4 by 5 3/4 by 3 1/2 inches $2000-4000 £1400-2800 Categories: PELÉ

Juliens Auctions