A Flaming Whip for Lechery: or, the Whoremasters Speculum. Containing a Fearful Historical Relation of such Wicked unclean Persons, as have been made Publick and Private Examples of God's Divine Vengeance, for polluting themselves and others with such Abomination and Defilements. London: Printed for Eliz. Harris, at the Harrow, in Little-Britain, 1700. First and only edition in ESTC, octavo, four copies listed worldwide, at the British Library, Yale, Huntington, and the Folger; lacking the final leaf, X8 ?blank (text ends with 'Finis' at the foot of page 318, X7); bound in later half leather; title page on guard, preliminaries with weak spots in the paper, light damp staining, toning, 7 x 4 in. Provenance: Ex libris Charles S. Dixwell (1868-1934).
