41,400 CHF
"Spanish Royal Presentation" Francois Louis Godon, Relox de Camara de S. M.C, No. 184, Paris, circa 1800. With Paris gold discharge marks from 19 June 1798 to 31 August 1809. Very fine and rare 18K gold and painted on ivory pocket watch with calendar and concealed portrait of King Carlos IV of Spain. Presented to Don Francisco de Soria. White enamel, upright Roman numerals, dot minute divisions with Arabic quarter minute markers, outer datenumerals, inscribed "Soy de Don Fran.co de Soria y". Pierced gold hour and minute hands, blued steel calendarhand. Notes The white enamel dial of this watch is typical of those made for Godon with the minute ring inside the hour numerals. It was a custom in Spain for important people to have their watches and clocks marked on the dial with an inscription starting Soy de..... followed by the name (I belong to.........). Godon François Louis Godon's fame was due to the clocks he made for King Charles IV of Spain, among them a large white marble and ormolu clock with astronomical indications. Appointed in 1786 Relojero de Camara by Charles III, later his full title was 'Mechanical Expert and Clockmaker to the Chamber of His Catholic Majesty'. The future King Charles IV appointed him official agent, and later King's purchaser. From 1788 until his death in about 1800, he supplied the Spanish Court with many clocks and watches which made him a considerable fortune. He was instrumental in assem-bling the finest collection of late 18th
