3,010,000 HKD
Inventé par Antoine Rojard à Genève, No. 2174, the box by Jean-Georges Rémond, Geneva, circa 1810. Extremely fine and rare, 18K gold and enamel, pearl-set musical snuffbox with automaton scene. Rectangular with canted corners, blue flinqué enamelled side and basepanels, borders and corners with champlevéenamelled foliage decoration. The blue flinqué enamelled lid withsplit-pearl set border, centred with a veryfine painted allegorical scene depicting the Muse of Music in the company oftwo cherubs. Disclosed by the lid,the varicoloured gold automaton scene, features a young lady playing thetympanon, accompanied by a monkeyplaying the triangle while three other figures are beating time and a finelounge painted on the background. Gilt brass rectangular with fusée and chain, pinned drum with stackedtuned teeth.Signature scratched on the movement, Jean-Georges Rémond Master mark punchedon the box.Dim. 87 x 60 x 35 mm
