Early Ephrata Artist(Berks, Lebanon and Lancaster Counties, Pennsylvania, active 1780-1786) - Fraktur birth certificate, hand-drawn and printed watercolor and ink on laid paper for Cathariena Effer, 1785, Dauphin County, Lebanon Township, with 2 floral trees forming an arch enclosing script flanked by trumpeting angels, parrots, and mermaids, executed in shades of green, red, yellow, and blue, infill by Christian Mertel, 13" x 16 1/2"(staining, losses). Pictured in Fraktur Writings or Illuminated Manuscripts by Dr. Donald A. Shelley, plate 240. For similar examples, see The Pennsylvania German Fraktur of the Free Library of Philadelphia , plates 295 and 296; Papers for Birth Dayes by Corinne and Russell Earnest, pages 212-214; and Printed Birth and Baptismal Certificates of the German Americans by Klaus Stopp, vol. II, page 235.

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