Andreas Schwartz Kolb(Southeastern Pennsylvania, active 1784-1810) - Mennonite vorschrift, hand-drawn watercolor and ink on laid paper, for Barbara Haldeman 1789, with elaborate lettering interwoven with tulips, stylized flowers, and various other flourishes, executed in vibrant red, blue, yellow, and green, 8" x 13"(some loss to border). Exhibited at the Mennonite Historical Socieity, 2003/2004. Pictured in This Teaching I Present" by Mary Jane Lederach Hershey, plate 48. For similar examples, see Fraktur Writings or Illuminated Manuscripts by Dr. Donald A. Shelley, plate 138; The Pennsylvania German Fraktur of the Free Library of Philadelphia , plate 965; and the collection of Helen Wetzel, Sotheby's, October 2, 1980, lot 1853.

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