Reverend Daniel Schumacher(Berks and Northampton Counties, Pennsylvania, active 1754-1786) - Taufschein, hand-drawn watercolor and ink on laid paper, for Maria Regina dated 1766, signed lower right "Daniel Schumacher", with script surrounded by typical yellow, black, and green hearts, flowers, vines, and crown, 8" x 13"(losses, repair). Pictured in Fraktur Writings or Illuminated Manuscripts by Dr. Donald A. Shelley, plate 184. For similar examples, see Early Pennsylvania Arts & Crafts by John J. Stoudt, plate 332; Sunbonnets & Shoofly Pies by John J. Stoudt, pg. 151; The Pennsylvania German Fraktur of the Free Library of Philadelphia , plate 292; and Papers for Birth Dayes by Corinne and Russell Earnest, page 692.

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