Samuel or Martin Gottschall(Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, early/mid 19th century) - Very fine Mennonite hand-drawn watercolor and ink illuminated drawing on wove paper, executed in vibrantly colored red, yellow, green, and black with 3 arches, the central arch with striped and dotted bird flanked by arches with angels, each holding a bird in one hand and a lyre in the other, with boldly scalloped wings and dress, the archways made from fanciful tulip trees, all within a red, yellow, and black striped border, 8" x 12 1/2". This is a classic example of Gottschall work. Pictured in This Teaching I Present by Mary Jane Lederach Hershey. For similar examples, see Fraktur Writings or Illuminated Manuscripts by Dr. Donald Shelley, plates 176 and 177; The Pennsylvania German Fraktur of the Free Library of Philadelphia , plates 168 and 215; The Pennsylvania Germans, A Celebration of their Arts, 1683-1850 by Beatrice Garvan & Charles Hummel, fig. 32; and Propety from the late Helen

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