66,000 CHF
Orrery Astrolabium Celestial Clock Christiaan Van der Klaauw, Joure, No. 41. Made in a limited edition of 50 pieces in 1992. Extremely fine and highly complicated, gilt brass and silver, astronomic, hour and half hour striking, 8-day going, foursided table clock with orrery, zodiac indication, length of months indication, triple date calendar, astrolabium with displaced zodiac circle for projection of the ecliptic, 24-hour analog dial for indication of the sun’s azimuth and altitude, moon orbit indication, dragon hand for eclipse prediction, number of week indication, year indication to 2001, sky charts of the northern and southern hemispheres with position indication and 24-hour indication. Accompanied by a fitted wooden traveling case with carrying handle and brass plaque. Rectangular, polished and matte gilt brass, four-sided, outset ionic column at each corner, balustraded gallery above with a turned spire finial at each corner, armillary sphere supported by three solid silver seated Atlas figures, pierced zodiac band around the circumference, orrery inside the sphere with the planets and their moons mounted on six arms rotating around the central gold sun, silvered chapter for the zodiac and months with their respective number of days, central black pointer hand, the whole raised on a moulded base with bun feet. Mechanical, 8-day going, striking the hours and half-hours on a gong. Dial signed. Dim. 39 x 14 x 14 cm.
