150,000 HKD
Oiseau Chanteur – Girl on a Swing Attributed to Griesbaum, Germany. Made circa 1950. Fine, gilt-metal and painted-on-enamel, singing bird box. Two-body, rectangular with engraved rounded corners, side panels with painted-on-enamel rural alpine lakeside scenes including two views of the Chateau de Chillon, set within white champlevé enamel borders, bird cover painted with a scene of the “Girl on a Swing” after Boucher, the scene continues on the top panel. Rectangular brass, going barrel and rectangular bellows, the revolving bird with moving wings, tail and beak, controlled by two cams mounted beneath the barrel wheel, gilt brass grill pierced and engraved with foliage. Dim. 6.5 x 4.6 x 10.2 cm.
