15,000 CHF
GOLD & ENAMEL MUSICAL SNUFF BOX Swiss, the box with makers mark ICI. Made circa 1820. Extremely fine and rare, small, 18K gold and enamel musical snuff box with sur-plateau movement. Three-body, rectangular with rounded corners decorated with royal blue translucent enamel triangular stiff leaves, each side and the base with panels of oval guilloche and paterae engine-turning, the borders decorated with royal blue translucent champlevé enamel triangular stiff-leaves, the hinged top panel engine-turned to match the body and with a central gold-engraved and enamel highlighted musical trophy, stylized fl ower and foliate border with royal blue champleve enamel inlay, the base decorated to match, opening to reveal a polished interior. 62 x 40 mm., sur-plateau with rectangular brass plates, going barrel wound with a male key, the musical disc pinned on both sides and playing with 26 tuned steel teeth, 13 on each side of the plate, four-arm governor, activated by a slide on the side of the case. Case with punch mark ICI beneath a crown. Dim. 63 x 43 x 14 mm.
