JANIS JOPLIN, SAN FRANCISCO, 1967 LINER NOTES One question that is continually repeated is, "Hey, can I talk to you privately, tell me - it won't go any further, just for me- did you sleep with Janis Joplin, just tell me, did you sleep with Janis Joplin? " And I always answer, "Well what do you think?" I either say it like this - "What do you think?" or "What do you think?" And they say, "Oh, man, thank you, thanks, I appreciate that, it means a lot to me." I let them use their imagination; I never say anything more, never go beyond that response! Never did and never will. - Baron Wolman SPECIFICS Hasselblad and Ektachrome film. SIZE 16" x 20" MEDIUM Archival digital print. VALUE $900 - $1,150 STARTING BID $700 Notes Each limited edition print is hand-signed by Baron Wolman.
