1,150 CHF
A. Dunhill, No. 737418, 'Unique', patent No. 143752, English, hallmarked 1929Fine 15K gold lighter. Notes The 'Ermeto' design was created by G. Huguenin, P. Davoine and A. Dubois of Huguenin Frères et Cie, Fabrique Niel, who in 1926 patented an idea of an ordinary rectangular watch case protected by 'an outer ornamental casing, the two halves of which are adapted to slide apart to expose the dial'. The idea was patented in a number of countries, starting with England on Oct. 11, 1926 (patent No. 278669), and the next day in Germany (patent No. 443555). Movado Factories bought the patent rights and ayear later patented the winding system by sliding the case open and closed (English patent No. 296721 of Sept. 6, 1927). The design became very successful and Movado manufactured it constantly for the next 58 years.
