97,000 CHF
Hans Koch, Munich, sundial attributed to Marcus Purman of Munich, dated 1592. Highly important and exceptionally fine gilt bronze pre balance spring, single-hand hour-striking clockwatch with alarm, sundial, compass, stackfreed, foliot and hog's bristle regulator with rack and pinion micrometric adjustment. Tambour-shaped, hinged top and fixed bottom, the front pierced with 12 heart-shaped openings for the hours, floral engraving in the center, border engraved with floral and foliate pattern, small disc in the center engraved with a rosette holding compass on the other side, which has a sundial in the center with a spring-loaded hinged gnomon and Arabic scale, pierced band and bottom cover, the band with hunting scene, hounds chasing boars, the back with a horseman in the center, flowers and folage around, border same as the front, small ring pendant. Gilt metal, hinged to the case, outer radial Roman 12-hour chapter ring, engraved inner quarter-hour divisions and innermost chapter with 24-hour (13 to Z4) Arabic division with German "Z" for numeral "2", twelve touch pins in the outermost ring, pinhole for setting the striking, the center revolving alarm disc with Arabic numerals in German style, center engraved with wind rose and sun-ray motif. Single blued steel hand.
