23,000 CHF
Unsigned, Germany, circa 1640. Fine gilt bronze, triple-train, hour- and quarter-striking Renaissance table clock. Molded base engraved with typical Renaissance strap work and floral pattern, turned oval feet, removable side panels engraved with a vase with flowers surrounded by scrolling, back panel matte and engraved with scrolling foliage, four finials and a dome housing two bells. Applied gilt metal with twelve Roman numerals and twelve Arabic numerals (from 13 to 24) with the "Z"s for "2"s typical for Germany at the time. Blued steel "arrow" hand. Small dial with Roman numerals for the quarters beow. Iron frame divided in two, one housing the going train with fusee and gut, short three-wheel train, anchor escapement with short pendulum converted from verge with foliot, another housing the hour- and quarter-striking mechanisms with fixed barrels, iron trains terminated with heavy iron rectangular flies, striking the hours on a bell in the dome and the quarters on a bell set in the base.Dim. Height 35 cm, base width 17 cm. Notes This is a good example of seventeenth century clockmaking. A similar clock can be seen in Velasquez' portrait of Marianne of Austria, now in the Prado Museum in Madrid.
