46,000 CHF
Timekeeper with 2 ComplicationsChristianus Caroll, Köningsberg, circa 1660. Fine and very rare gilt and silvered bronze three-train, hour- and quarter-striking, large horizontal table clock in original leather fitted box. Hexagonal, gilt brass, baluster pillars, three-train, fusee and chain, verge escapement with plain three-arm steel balance and later short 1 1/2-turn balance spring, irregular pierced and engraved cock with large single foot, ratchet wheel and click set-up with large gilt brass click bridge decorated en suite, striking with fixed florally engraved barrels, pierced and engraved locking gate, striking on two hammers on two bells, engraved count wheel set on the back plate, silver quarter-strikng plate also set on the back plate.Signed on the movement.Diam. 18 cm diagonally. Notes The clock is in unusually good condition, probably due to its having been preserved in its carrying box, a very rare occurrence. Köningsberg was in Eastern Prussia, modern day Russia, and is today called Kaliningrad. Very fine clocks were made there, among others some of the earliest horizontal table clocks with second hand, circa 1680.
