5,980 CHF
Nicolaus Rugendas, Augspurg, circa 1730. Fine gilt brass and silver portable equinoctial "Augsburg" dial with compass in fitted leather box. Notes The "48" in the signature after the maker's name denotes the latitude of Augsburg. Nicolaus Rugendas III (1665-1745). He came from a family of Augsburg clockmakers active for at least two generations. His grandfather was Nikolaus I (1585-1658); his father Nikolaus II (1619-mid 1690s). Rugendas made clocks, sundials and ring dials. A similar dial by Rugendas is in the Greenwich Museum (inv. D8485).Literature: Maximilian Bobinger, "Alt-Augsburger Kompassmacher", Augsburg: Hans Rösler Verlag, 1966.
