184,000 HKD
The Duet Attributed to Blaise Bontems, Paris. Made circa 1880. Fine and very rare, silver gilt and painted-on-enamel, double singing bird box. Accompanied by the original morocco fitted box. Rectangular with fluted corners, engraved with cattails and foliage, hinged back panel for key compartment, engine-turned base, top panel with oval aperture for the singing birds’ lid, painted on enamel with ladies on a terrace with a formal garden, a pergola, and mountains in the background. Rectangular, 90 x 46 mm, large going barrel with two air and song cams underneath, 8-arm fly worm-gear governor, rectangular bellows.Dim. 95 x 59 x 37 mm. Notes Although not signed, the movement and the medaillon enamel are so similar to other double bird singing boxes of Bontems that there in no doubt that the box came from the Bontems workshop. Singing bird boxes with double birds are exceptionally rare. At the end of the nineteenth century the Parisian firm, Blaise Bontems, made very few of them. Blaise Bontems (1814 - 1893) was an inventor and maker of moving and singing birds on clocks, groups and pictures; clocks, rope dancers and mechanical pieces. He was a supplier "to her Royal Highness the Queen of England". This box is illustrated on p. 312 of “Flights of Fancy” by Sharon and Christian Bailly, Antiquorum Editions, 2001.
