Bible Commentary, Four Volumes: Cornelius a Lapide (1567-1637) Commentaria in Ecclesiasticum , Antwerp: Meurs, 1663; and Commentaria in Pentateuchum Mosis , Antwerp: Meurs, 1661, two large folios, each more than a thousand pages long, in contemporary speckled calfskin, worn, boards attached, engraved title pages in each volume, one volume with a long note in an English hand dated 1719 on ffep; Lapide was one of the most widely read and published Jesuit authors of his time. Together with: Jean-Baptiste Du Hamel (1624-1706) Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis , Madrid: Ibarra, 1767, in two large folio volumes, contemporary sponge-decorated sheepskin, peeling and rubbed, spines tooled in gilt compartments; Du Hamel was a French scientist, theologian and philosopher.