Trembley, Abraham (1710-1784) Memoires pour Servir a L'Histoire d'un Genre de Polypes d'Eau Douce . Leiden: Jean & Herman Verbeek, 1744. First edition, large quarto, illustrated with thirteen folding engraved plates, fine engraved head- and tail-pieces throughout; contents clean, bound in full sponge-decorated French sheepskin, gold-tooled spine, green silk bookmark, edges stained red, period marbled endleaves. Trembley was the first scientist to identify the hydra, a simple, predatory, microscopic fresh-water animal with a tubular body and one to twelve tentacles. He studied and reported on its asexual reproduction, its ability to regenerate limbs (thus the name), and its sensitivity to light, despite its lack of eyes. Through the lens of his microscope, for the first time in the history of science, Trembley witnessed cell division and also made successful tissue grafts.
