Zahn, Johannes (1641-1707) Oculus Artificialis Teledioptricus . Nuremberg: lochnerus, 1702. Folio, second edition, engraved title, typographical title page printed in red and black, engraved portrait of the dedicatee; illustrated with six folding or double-page engravings, approximately twenty-eight full-page engravings or woodcuts, integral to the collation, seven double-page typographical tables, and numerous text woodcuts Zahn, as compiler and popularizer, presents a full picture of the state of the science of optics for his time. He begins with basic information about eyes, before moving on to the artificial eyes of his title. These books were manuals for do-it-yourself scientists, the microscope and telescope builders of the eighteenth century, and included every construction detail necessary, starting with lens-grinding. Notably, Zahn describes a portable camera obscura with fixed lenses and an adjustable mirror. Collated, complete.
