Audubon, John James (1785-1851) Bachman's Warbler and Worm Eating Warbler . [from] Birds of America . London: R. Havell, 1826-1838. Two hand-aquatinted copper-plate engravings, both mounted on board, each sheet: 24 3/4 x 36 in.; No. 7, Plate 34, and No. 37, Plate CLXXXV; the Bachman's warbler plate is spotted overall, with old white dots, where spotting was covered at the time the sheet was mounted on the board; the worm-eaters plate is in better condition, with only some marginal mottling and two small tears, both well outside of the plate mark, easily covered by a mat. The worm-eating warblers are depicted eating poke-berries; the Bachman's warblers perch on a blooming gardenia.