Hooker, Thomas (1586-1647) The Poor Doubting Christian Drawn to Christ . Boston: Green, Bushell, and Allen for Henchman, 1743. 12mo, first Boston edition, collated, complete, bound in original half sheepskin and blue paper over scabbard, the whole covered over with marbled paper at a later time, boards chipped and fragmentary, contents worn, spotted and toned. Hooker, a founding member of the First Congregational church in Cambridge, Massachusetts, eventually left the state and established the Connecticut Colony. In 1636, Hooker, Samuel Stone, and approximately one hundred followers called their new city Hartford. Hooker's deep belief in the right to vote in the church without being subjected to an interrogation of one's faith and personal beliefs led to his split with Cambridge, and became an indelible part of the North American political philosophy.
