Wingate, Catherine (1858-1946) Scrapbook (1913-1939). Landscape format folio album, made in Sudan with the Khartoum bookbinder's ticket pasted inside the back board, containing material collected in Egypt and Sudan in the nineteen-teens; including calling cards; invitations; Christmas cards; signed regimental cards; three original watercolors of the pyramids and other desert scenes, menus; diplomatic signatures; a series of ten photos taken of Marc Pourpe's arrival in Khartoum (from Cairo) by airplane on 12 January 1914, with an especially striking one taken as the plane nears the beach, inscribed and signed by Pourpe; programs of the Khartoum Racing Club; large photograph of the winning horse (Abu Gnoob), jockey, owners (Captain John Kennedy and Ronald Hadow), and cup, signed; personal letters, and other signatures. Catherine Wingate married Reginald Wingate, an officer in the Royal Artillery. She kept this scrapbook while her husband was serving as Governor-General of the Sudan, and Sirdar of the Egyptian Army. Between 1917 and 1919, he was High Commissioner of Egypt. During this period, while the First World War raged, Lady Wingate was president of the Cairo and Alexandria Red Cross Committee.
