Louis XIV, King of France (1638-1715) Document Signed. One page, on paper, Chateau de Marly, 31 July 1715, countersigned by Jean-Baptiste Colbert (1619-1683), a little dusty, a few wormholes, some closed tears, hand is clear, with a bright overall appearance, 9 1/2 x 14 in. This letter may be addressed to Antonio de Giudice, Duke of Giovinazzo, prince of Cellamare, addressed in the letter as "Monsieur de Camore," who was Spanish ambassador to France in 1715. In the wake of Louis XIV's death in September, 1715, Cellamare attempted to overthrow the rule of Philippe II, Duke of Orleans, who cared for Louis XIV's five year old son and controlled France during this period. This letter refers to Brittany, and specifically the town of Saint-Brieuc, which Louis calls "ma ville." Relations were strained between France and Brittany in this period. French wars were funded by hefty taxes, and the Bretons were ready to revolt. In this letter, Louis refers to an upcoming visit to Saint-Brieuc in October, but by September Sun King was dead, struck down by gangrene.
