Harrison, William Henry (1773-1841) Autograph Letter Signed, 12 August 1831. Paper bifolium, inscribed on one page. To Elijah Hayward (1786-1864) asking for a favor in the case of two men while Hayward served as Commissioner of the General Land Office in the Andrew Jackson administration and Harrison lived as a private citizen in North Bend, Ohio. Old folds, addressed on the verso, 8 x 9 3/4 in. folded. Hayward sat on the Ohio Supreme Court for a short time in 1830. Harrison addresses him as "Judge." I have a favor to beg of you, and that is that you could endeavor to save two honest men from ruin by extending to each of them that liberality in the adjustment of the claims which the government have upon them. [...] One of the gentlemen to whom I refer [...] was my Aide de Camp in the action of Tippecanoe. [...] [Referring to the other case,] It would be a horrible piece of injustice to make this honest foreigner the scapegoat to bear the burden which justly belongs to the shoulders of some of our own native citizens. [...] These gentlemen will explain their cases to you & if you can give them every aid it will greatly oblige your friend, W.H. Harrison.
