Collection of Ornamental Turning Books, hardbound Curves Described by the Geometric Chuck , Charles Taylor, 1874; Pictorial Encyclopedia of Science, Art and Technology , Diderot-D'Alambert, text in French, re-print, 1970; Hand or Simple Turning , J.J. Holtzapffel, 1976; softbound The Art & Craft of Ornamental Turning , Rev. G.A. Grace, 1960; spiral-bound The Art of Turning and Lathe and Machine Tool History , compiled by S.G. Abell, J. Leggat, and W.G. Ogden Jr., 1987; Holtzapffel & Co. catalogue, 1909; and additional Holtzapffel pamphlets, and two books and three typed pamphlets on plain and ornamental turning.
