Eighty-six Duke Ellington and Associates Victor/RCA/His Master's Voice 78 RPM Records, Duke Ellington and His Famous Orchestra 9456, 9252, 9196, two 20-1618, 27356, two 20-1748, 20-3291, two 20-1644, 20-1584, 20-1623, 9386, 27531, four 26536, 26310, 20-1670, 20-1697, two 20-1718, 20-1799, 27587, two 27700, 27804, 27880, two 20-1528, two 20-1505, two 20-1547, 20-1556, three 26788, 26796, 27235, 27247, 27326, 27380, two 27434, 27517, 26577, 26598, 26610, two 26644, 26677, 26719, and two 26731; Duke Ellington and his Orchestra 21137, 6430, 24674, 24861, 6133, 6502, two 24755, 24486, 20-3135, 40-0134, and two 24501; Duke Ellington and his Cotton Club Orchestra 26603, 6292, 6293, 22614, two 22743, 22587, and 22586; Duke Ellington and his Rhythm Orchestra 20-4281; Duke Ellington Solo Piano 27564; Tommy Dorsey and the Duke Ellington Orchestra 45-0002; Rex Stewart and his Orchestra 9208; and Johnny Hodges and his Orchestra 20-2542.
