Set of Twelve Royal Copenhagen Porcelain "Flora Danica" Pattern Side Plates, 20th century, each hand-painted with a highly realistic floral specimen, crenellated gilt edge, dia. 7 5/8 in. good. a few with a few light, errant brush strokes to the gilding on the underside of the crenellations. marked 20/3573. specimens: Melampyrum nemorosum L Vesicaria arlica R. Br. Trientalis europaea L. Saxifraga controversa Stern (with slight manufacturing flake to one crenellated point, under glaze) Parnassia Kolzebuci Cham & Schldl Viola Muhlenbergiana B minor Hook Veronica aplina Trifolium procumbens L. Cardamine pralenlis L. Ceraslium arclicum Lge. Mentha aqualica L capilata Fr. Viola epipsila Ledeb.
