Set of Twelve Royal Copenhagen Porcelain "Flora Danica" Pattern Bread Plates, 20th century, each hand-painted with a highly realistic floral specimen, crenellated gilt edge, dia. 6 3/4 in. marked 20/3551 specimens: Viola umbrasa Fr. Parnassia Kolzebuei Cham & Schldl. Primula norregica Retz. Sedum annum L. (with a tiny manufacturing irregularity to one of the crenellated points) Viola epipsila Ledeb. Carex bicolor All. (with two tiny rim flakes to underside of crenellated points) Veronica aplina L. Platanthera rolundifolia Lindl. Epilabium alpinum L. Tripolium arvense L. Eranthis hiemalis Salisb. Arctostaphylas Uva ursi Spr.
