Putnam's Lighted Mahogany Chart Holder and Course Indicator Box with a Box of Charts , Bayard T. Putnam, New York, glass-top brass-bound box with three side lights to illuminate the charts from three brass lanterns, two fitted with brass fonts with whale oil burners with a brass label "WM PORTER'S SONS MAKERS 271 PEARL ST. N.Y.," one lantern with a brass font with a kerosene burner, the interior fitted with horn compass card, and two rollers for advancing the chart, overall ht. 10 1/2, wd. 15 1/2, lg. 39 1/2 in.; accompanied by a hinged box containing several charts: (2) Cape Cod Bay, From Monomoy and Nantucket Shoals to Muskeget Channel Mass., Western End Long Island Sound, (2) Long Island Sound, Nantucket to Block Island, (3) Massachusetts Bay; several instructions for the chart holder and course indicator, a book entitled ATLANTIC COAST PILOT: BUZZARD'S AND NARRAGANSETT BAYS., overall box ht. 6 1/2, wd. 9, lg. 36 in.
