Sailor Made Whalebone, Ivory, and Inlaid Ebony Yarn Swift, 19th century, the swift with turned ivory yarn cup, whalebone axis spoke and shaft, expanding panbone slats joined with light blue yarn, supported on a square stepped base of ebony, ebony veneer with inlaid abalone floral and geometric segments, and panbone veneer, surrounded with a pierced panbone gallery, the ivory and panbone engraved with undulating vine and berry borders heightened with red and green sealing wax inlaid in the scribe lines, (imperfections), ht. 16 in. Provenance: Descendants of Edward Phinney, Captain of the bark Java of Cape Cod. Three small losses to the corners of the gallery, and one small triangular shaped loss to one abelone segment, the four mitered panbone segments on the square base are loose.
