Hume, David (1711-1776) and (Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 1712-1778), Autograph letter signed, October 25, 1767, one page, to the Secretary of State's office, St. James, one page, concerning the failure of the government to adequately care for a group of important letters lent to the government and now being recalled by Hume, 4to, (very good to excellent). Text in full: "Sir, I doubt not, but you remember, that when I had the pleasure of meeting you at Wickham about two months ago, I mentioned to you the Affair of Mr. Rousseau's Letters to me; the originals of which I had send to Mr. Maty, to be preserved in the Musaeum. As the Curators did not think proper to give them place, I wishd [ sic ] to recover Possession of them, and Mr. Maty promised to send them to me: But has always neglected it. I should be much obliged to you, if you woud [ sic ] put him in mind of it…..PS. I should be glad to know whether Dr. Maty ever proposed the Affair to the Curators." Very good to excellent.
