Hearn, Lafcadio (1850-1904) and Loti, Pierre (1850-1923), Autograph manuscript, c. 1888, twenty-three pages on canary yellow paper, Hearn's translation of Pierre Loti's Reve from French into English, inscribed "A Translation from Pierre Loti"; together with a printed French text of the poem, 8 1/4 by 5 3/8 in., (very good to excellent condition). Note: Lafcadio Hearn was an ardent admirer of Loti and felt that he was one of the finest poets of the Romantic era. As referenced in lot , "But after all, I prefer Loti's prose incomparably as poetry to all the verses of Verlaine, and (to such as I have read) of Verhaeren. Take the few pages of Reve in Le Livre de la Pitie et de la Mort : They seem to me worth all the French poetry written since the marvelous days of the Romantics". Very good to excellent condition.
