Luther, Martin (1483-1546), Rare and important autograph letter signed, St. Franciscus, 1581, one page, in German, discussing upcoming events and mentioning his public debates with Papal legate John Eck, "In Nuremberg they think he is not so much in favor of our Wittenberg views...The persecutors congregate like wolves ready to devour a lamb...", framed with an 18th century portrait after R. Houston, (laid down around edges and with fold separations, dampstaining, edges trimmed). Translated text: Greetings! I arrived in Nuremberg on St. Franciscus day. I found some excellent men, and some who are rather timid in my cause, so much so, that they even try persuade me not to go to Augsburg. But I remain firm while mentioning these things. God's will be done. I shall go and see those grand marvelous sights. Also in Augsburg, in the very midst of his enemies, Jesus Christ will reign. Our Eck is not as well spoken of here as I should like. In Nuremberg they think he is not so much in favor of our Wittenberg views, that he should not seem ready to cause ill will against the Wittenberg theologians. I shall be very much displeased with him unless I learn something different. The suspicion is heightened by this book I send you, compiled by some elegant by more than heathenish babbler. You will see, that either he himself, or his adherents operate against us, or at least intend to; but he himself most of all is in the way of his good name. Tomorrow I shall go to Augsburg with our Mr. Read more…
