Sheraton Mahogany "Universal Table," England, c. 1795, the rectangular top with two leaves that extend from under the top where they are housed, above straight beaded skirt with two drawers, one with covered compartments, all on square tapering legs continuing to brass cap casters, old refinish, ht. 29 1/2, wd. 44 3/4, dp. 36 in. Literature: The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's Drawing Book , by Thomas Sheraton, 1791, illustrates as plate 362 and discusses the design for the table, where it is referred to as "A Universal Table." Finish very dry, the top with some water rings. One leg has been repaired; one drawer with heavy venner loss above; the other with one area of venner loss above; otherwise age typical defects and wear; the edges of the legs with numerous bruising. The leaves are not mechanised but rather simply slide. Top is level.
