Pair of Irish Victorian Silver Ewers, Dublin, 1863, maker likely John Smyth, baluster form with slender neck and lidded spout, with loop handle, the body chased and embossed with foliate scrolls and baskets, with two central acanthus cartouches flanked by winged male and female herms with cast limbs, one engraved with mottoed coat of arms, with applied cast lion mask set to body below spout, neck engraved with husk drops and shells, on tiered domed foot, ht. 14 1/2 in., approx. 78 troy oz. each with engraving removal from one cartouche, and one with a let in circular repair approx. 1" in dia. to lower left side of the plain cartouche. one with a slightly loose handle. lacquered, with lacquer yellowed. minor age wear. marks good.
