Smiling Bru Fashion and Kestner Child Under Dome, late 19th century, period vignette enclosed in a glass dome with ebonized wood ogee-shaped base, featuring a moss covered landscape with a tree stump and two protruding sets of limbs, overall ht. 24; seated to the left is a smiling Bru fashion lady, ht. 15, France, c. 1870, pale pressed bisque socket head on bisque shoulder plate, incised D on head, blue stationary glass eyes, finely painted brows and lashes, slightly smiling closed mouth, pierced ears, blonde human hair wig with cork pate, fully jointed painted wood body with swivel waist and articulated wrists and ankles, (one fingertip missing, two repaired fingertips) wearing a couture fashion outfit of silk patterned velvet with plum velvet inserts and fur trim, matching hat, brown leather fashion boots, accessories include spectacles, one leather glove, ivory-handled parasol, and leather purse; right side features a Kestner child, ht. 9, Germany, c. 1890, bisque socket head incised 3, sleeping brown glass eyes, finely painted brows and lashes, open mouth with three square teeth, blonde mohair wig, jointed composition body with straight wrists, wearing a lavender silk dress with lace trim and matching bonnet; on the ground is a small German doll, ht. 4 in., c. 1890, bisque shoulder head with painted and molded features, cloth body with bisque limbs, wearing a gauze and lace dress. Bru-one finger tip missing, two repaired finger tips.
