Approximately Forty-Two Sterling and Silver Plated Flatware, including a set of sterling straws, a set of nine Tiffany electroplated knives, a set of six Tiffany electroplated knives, a set of six Ball, Tompkins, & Black forks, a Gorham sterling open serving ladle, several Dominick & Haff flatware items, etc. Provenance of Tiffany Knives: Belonged to Colonel Alexander Robert Chisolm (1834-1910). Owner of Coosaw Island Plantation in South Carolina, and served as personal aid to Confederate General Pierre G.T. Beauregard, commander of Confederate troops in Charleston. Some claim it was Chisolm who gave the order to fire on Fort Sumter. He served in the battles of Bull Run and Shiloh, among others. He later went on to marry the daughter of Union General Richard L. Schieffelin.
