Eleven Wedgwood Medallions, England, 19th/20th century, an oval lilac jasper dip with white relief of Voltaire, lg. 4 in.; an oval white jasper pyrometer medallion, impressed "By J. Wedgwood F.R.S.", lg. 2 in.; an oval solid light blue with white relief depiction of Mrs. Montague, lg. 2 1/4 in.; an oval dark blue jasper dip with white classical figures, lg. 1 5/8 in.; a convex dark blue jasper dip medallion with white classical relief, dia. 1 1/2 in.; a solid light blue roundel with white relief commemorating the Liverpool Art Club Exhibition of 1879, dia. 1 5/8 in.; a dark blue dip roundel with white relief representing Leopold the Lawgiver, dia. 1 3/4 in.; an oval convex pale blue jasper dip, lapidary polished edge and white coat of arms in relief, lg. 1 3/4 in.; together with three black basalt, an oval self framed with portrait of Carinus, lg. 2 7/8 in.; an oval portrait of Julius Caesar, lg. 1 7/8 in.; and a roundel with classical figures, dia. 1 3/4 in.; impressed marks. The convex roundel with a few very slight edge nicks. The ring is not exposed in the back. All else in very good condition throughout with no cracks, chips or restorations.
