Four Staffordshire White Saltglazed Stoneware Items, England, 18th century, a sauceboat with bird heads and scrolled foliate designs in relief, lg. 8 in.; a plate with basketweave, dot, and diapered border, dia. 8 7/8 in.; a press-molded deep dish with scrolled foliate cartouches, dot, diaper, and basketweave designs, dia. 9 in.; a press-molded deep dish with pierced border, scrolled foliate cartouches, dot, diaper, and basketweave designs, dia. 9 7/8 in. Sauceboat: restored to handle and one side of the body, some of the old repair flaking off. Plate: good condition. 9" Deep dish: good condition. 8 7/8" deep dish: 2 1/2" rim hairline.
