Pair of 3-inch Table Globes by Newton, the terrestrial with cartouche Newton's (New) & Improved Terrestrial Globe, Published by Newton & Son, 66 Chancery Lane, London , made up of twelve gores on a plaster sphere, continents tinted yellow, oceans darker, Europe and South American outlined in red, coasts hatched, North America divided into states and territories, California shown as a peninsula, Australia named, the Russian Empire spanning Europe and Asia, Meridian of London pasing through Greenwich, the oceans marked with the tracks of Cook, Clark and Gore, and Cook's death in 1779, the Eliptic and Equinoctial calibrated in degrees with Arabic numerals, Longitude East and West marked; the celestial with cartouche Newton's Improved Pocket Celestial Globe , made up of twelve engraved gores on plaster sphere, depicting the constellations as mythical figures, beasts and scientific instruments, the Eliptic and Equinoctial calibrated degrees 0-360 , the horizon band in days of the month and Zodiacal signs, vertical lines marking the North and South declination, celestial latitudes, and colures Equinoculus and Solstistorium ; both with full brass meridian rings divided 0-90 degrees through four quadrants, manuscript horizon rings calibrated for the Gregorian and Zodiacal calendars, and maple stands with turned legs joined by stretchers, ht. 4 1/2, in Plexiglas cases ht. 7 in. Stands are probable 20th century; Terrestrial has scattered abrasions in the varnish including small Read more…
