Approximately Fifty-five Stereo Views of Constantinople and the Middle East, thirty-three by P. Sebah, 439 Gde. Rue de Pera, Constantinople , on orange card mounts with inscriptions on reverse, including scenes of mosques, markets, streets, and people in Cairo and Constantinople, (faded); twenty-four of the Holy Land, Palestine and Syria by L.L. Paris, on yellow card mounts, (faded); four unmarked views of Jerusalem on yellow mounts with pasted inscriptions on reverse: 4017 "Tower of David - From Inside the City," 4019 "The Golden Gate - From Outside," 4020 "Damascus Gate," 4036 "Convent of the Holy Cross"; two views of Jerusalem by J.A., 2802 "Mur de Salomon" and 2745 "Chaire d'Omar (Mosque d'Omar)" on yellow mounts; and an unmarked view 4277 of the Golden Gate on yellow mount, with pen insription on reverse.
