Large Kestner Bisque Child Doll, "Dorothy", impressed 18 103 , with closed mouth, accented lips, weighted brown glass eyes (slightly loose), multi-stroke brows, original blonde mohair wig on plaster pate, and jointed nine-piece composition body with straight wrists and original finish, wearing child's sleeveless whitework dress, cotton undergarments, knitted socks and aqua kid shoes, (wig matted, slight rubs on both cheeks, nose, left eyebrow, eyelid and the tops of both ears, two fingers damaged, wear to hip sockets and knee joints), pillow and quilt. Provenance: Accompanied by a tintype photograph of Dorothy and her original owner, Marjorie Bouvé, born in 1879 in Hull, Massachusetts. Bouvé attended school at the Boston Normal School of Gymnastics, and earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Boston University. In 1913, accompanied by six other women, she founded the Boston School of Physical Education. In 1925, she founded her own school, the Bouvé School, which merged with the BSPE in 1930, forming the Bouvé-Boston School of Physical Education, with Bouvé serving as director until 1948. Although she died in 1970, Marjorie's legacy remains until this day in the form of the Bouvé College of Health Sciences, part of Northeastern University.
