Mahogany Master Clock by the Synchronome Company, Ltd. , Alperton, Middlesex, England, c. 1940, the dome-top case with freestanding columns flanking the brass dial with applied silvered chapter ring with Roman numerals and Tempus Fugit boss in the arch, full-length rectangular glazed waist door, raised panel base on bracket feet, the electric movement mounted in the waist section is designed to transmit impulses at short intervals to any number of other clocks with electrical coils lifting a gravity arm which impulses the free-swinging steel and nickel pendulum and slave clocks at half minute intervals. Note: The Synchronome system of electrical timekeeping was invented about 1895 by F. Hope-Jones and these interesting clocks were used by astronomical observatories well into the first half of the 20th century. Behind the dial is technically a "slave" clock movement receiving impulse from the "master" clock mounted in the waist section.
