Miniature Lacquered Brass Surveyor's Compass by Richard Patten, with 4 in. silvered dial signed in script R. Patten, New York, Warranted , fleur-de-lis at North, East and West points reversed, needle ring divided 0-90 in four quadrants, blued steel needle with lifter, screw-on sights, and staff mount, lg. 10 3/4 in., in dovetailed mahogany case with maker's label in lid, wd. 11 1/2 in., (left side of case chipped). Literature: Silvio Bedini, (1975), Thinkers and Tinkers , pp. 368-369. In 1841 Patten advertised that his instruments were warranted as "being divided on an Engine after the plan of Ramsden's." Since there is no evidence that he possessed a dividing engine of his own, Bedini writes that Patten occasionally made use of the Troughton dividing engine owned by the Coast Survey in Washington, in the period up until the end of 1845.
