Five Cobalt-decorated Stoneware Items, America, 19th century, two wide-mouth straight-sided jars with leaf decoration, two two-gallon crocks with lug handles, one decorated with a stylized blossom and indistinctly marked "F. P. W----- & SON/TAUNTON MASS," the other with plumes flanking a tornado; a four-gallon wide-mouth jar indistinctly marked "J. - NORTON & SON/BENNINGTON," (imperfections), ht. 8 1/2-13 1/2 in. smaller straight-sided jar- couple base edge chips; larger straight-sided jar- good cond.; two-gallon crock with stylized blossom and indistinctly marked "F.P. W----- & SON/TAUNTON MASS,"- hairlines by both handles; 2-gal. with plumes flanking a tornado- 2 1/2 x 3/4 in. base edge chip, two hairlines coming downfrom rim about 2 in.lg., several rim chips, some interior glaze flaking; four-gallon wide-mouth jar- few minor base chips, interior nearly entirely coated with white mineral residue.
