Five Pewter Items, early 19th century, a 18 1/8 in. dia. charger with "LONDON" column and crown mark, a 13 1/4 in. dia. deep dish with indistinct "JACOB," crown, and rose mark, a small 7 3/4 in. dia. plate by Joseph Danforth, and two porringers by Thomas Boardman with "TD& SB" mark, bowl dia. 4 1/2 in., (imperfections). charger- 1 1/4 x 3/4 in. loss on rim, wear, dents, corrosion; deep dish-wear, dents, corrosion; small plate-3 1/2 x 1/2 in. rim loss dents and corroson; two poringers-dents on rim.
