[ ] [s. l.], n.d. (circa 1680) 1052pp. manuscript pages on watermarked paper. Folio, full calf. Comprising what appears to be a full manuscript of a final work on legal reform authored by Jean Baptise Colbert. It is separated into two parts, Civil and Criminal. The first page is a table that describes the work as containing "Des Titres de la nouvelle Ordonnance Civile de L'annee 1667" or the titles of the new civil laws for the year 1667 (1-709pp.) followed by "de Titres Conenua en cette Ordonnance pour le Matieres Criminelle" or criminal law (710-1052pp). Similar hand-writing samples provide no firm conclusion; likely in the hand of Colbert or possibly his scribe, Nicolas Joseph Foucault. Provenance: stamped "Bibliotheque Henri Rameau" on the front endpaper.

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers