OGIZ [Moscow]: Molodaia gvardiia, 1932. 12mo, original color lithograph wraps (unsewn). An important aspect of Soviet children's books involved do-it-yourself books, which taught children how to make toys with cut-outs and from natural materials. [Together with] five other works pertaining to toy-making: by M. Pankov. Illustrated by Lidia Popova and Andrey Nikiforov. OGIZ [Leningrad]: Molodaia Gvardiia, 1931; by Gromov. OGIZ [Leningrad]: Molodaia gvardiia, 1931; by L. Sinitsyna. OGIZ [Moscow]: Molodaia gvardiia, 1931; by B. Uralskii. Illustrated by Ju Syrneva. OGIZ [Moscow]: Molodaia gvardiia, 1931; by A. Laptev. OGIZ [Moscow]: Molodaia gvardiia 1932. (6 total)

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers